After years of negotiations, DCC slowly drained the life out of D-Light and its team - now revealing that it never intended to support, or even allow it to exist…
In March 2025, Dublin City Council forcibly changed the locks!
March 2025
Dublin lost yet another vibrant cultural hub - a creative team running a sustainable social enterprise that, for over 15 years, provided a home for artists, inspired the community, and brought people together. Jobs were lost, and a thriving organisation was left in debt.
This space - a vital part of the city’s cultural fabric - was dismantled by those who should have protected it. D-Light (D-LS) received no renovation timeline, alternative space, storage, compensation, or lease.
For years, D-LS was engaging with DCC in lease discussions, flagged necessary fire safety upgrades, and proposed redevelopment plans - approved by city architects and planners and included in DCC’s European funding application. Meanwhile, D-LS partnered with NEIC and DCC on artist residencies and cultural programs.
In 2023, DCC broke negotiations and citing fire safety concerns, DCC indefinitely halted D-LS’s activities. DCC rejected D-LS’s offer to fund necessary upgrades - work that would have taken just 6-7 weeks - insisting instead on full control and a years-long procurement process.
Throughout negotiations, D-LS asked DCC to discuss a renovation timeline and lease terms. DCC made only one offer: vacate entirely, cancel the cultural program, remove tenants, and clear all belongings - only then would they consider scheduling renovations. No timeline was provided, and only the ground floor would be upgraded, leaving the rest of the building vacant.
Despite D-LS’s rights, DCC refused to discuss a long-term lease, instead proposing a three-year license - negotiable only after D-LS vacates the building, surrenders its rights, and renovations and procurement are completed. During this period, D-LS would have to refit the building and run its cultural program without financial support. A longer lease would only be considered if D-LS again proved its governance, funding, and cultural impact - disregarding its 15-year legacy.
Thousands signed a petition. Dozens of letters of support were sent. Multiple politicians intervened. Yet, DCC remained unmoved, disregarding the very people it is meant to serve and support.
For those who never visited D-Light - or wish to revisit it - we've prepared a video tour. Our founder, Agata Stoinska, walks you through the space, sharing its story. The full video is 40 minutes, but even a short watch will give you a glimpse of this unique place.
We may have lost with those in power, but we remain incredibly proud of everything we achieved over the years and grateful for the encounters and moments that made this challenging project so worthwhile.
We want to thank everyone who has been part of D-Light’s journey:
To the countless friends who helped with renovations and events.
To our dedicated team, managers, studio assistants, and volunteers.
To our supportive board members who always believed in us.
To our invaluable mentors.
To our housemates, who made D-Light feel like home.
To the talented artists who embraced our vision with their creativity.
To our loyal clients, who recognised the magic of this space.
To all facilitators and audiences who brought it to life.
And finally, to our creative and local community - your unwavering support, messages, calls, and visits reminded us that we were never alone.
Thank you ALL for signing our petition and standing up for us!
D-Light is hanging in there, but we need your support!
January 2024
Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far by signing our petition and sending letters of support to our landlord Dublin City Council (DCC).
We’re sorry we don’t have better news to share with you, but unfortunately we are currently at a stalemate with DCC. Our crucial need for urgency doesn’t seem to register with DCC and our hourglass is almost empty.
Since October 2023, our ability to support our studio has been decimated. DCC requested that we cease our activities and vacate the building due to fire safety works they were supposed to undertake as a landlord for many years. Still, no alternative location or reimbursement has been offered, and no timeline for works or lease agreement has been discussed. Meetings are consistently postponed, and there's a lack of urgency in addressing the situation imposed on us by DCC.
Therefore, we've sadly had to let go of the majority of the D-Light team by the end of this month. We've also lost most of our tenants - the small businesses and artists who were integral to D-Light.
This leaves us in a precarious situation. Below are the actions we need to take to sustain us through the negotiation process. We so appreciate your continued support as we navigate these uncharted waters.
Go Fund Me
Thank you to everyone who has financially supported our case. For over a year and a half, we negotiated with DCC. With your donations, our savings, and the profits from selling our furniture, props, art, and copies of BLOW Photo Magazine, we managed to pay off most of our solicitor bills and some other commitments.
However, despite being out of operation for over a year, D-LS is still repaying the loan.
In 2020, DCC agreed to refurbish the entire ground floor to compensate for limited access to the rest of the building due to outstanding fire safety upgrades. However, they provided only €30K, forcing us to take out a €50K bank loan—an investment made under the mutual understanding of long-term occupancy for cost recovery. DCC later halted the final refurbishment, refusing to approve the fire alarm installation.
We later learned that DCC had a €91K budget approved for these works, but it was never spent on D-LS.
Your support - even just the cost of a cup of coffee - means the world to us.
We're still auctioning off furniture, art, and other items from the studio to pay off debts and keep resources for negotiations with DCC. Your support - through purchasing a keepsake from our beautiful studio - would mean so much! Items are listed on our website under the Auction section and on our Adverts page.
Since DCC forcibly changed the locks, we must seek permission each time we access our belongings. We appreciate your patience, as collecting purchased items may take a few days. Hopefully, we can reach an agreement with DCC for a reasonable lead time.
Blow Photo
We are also liquidating our stock of BLOW Photo Magazines.
Even if DCC finally proceeds with the renovations, the magazines will be left in unheated and wet conditions for months, inevitably leading to their deterioration.
To purchase a limited copy, please check out the link below.
Selling Items
We've also listed some other items from the studio that are available to buy trough our Adverts page.
Take a look through the different ads and see if there's anything you might like.
We'll be adding more items soon, so keep an eye and you might find something really cool from the studio.